Dr. Leonidas Kanellos was born in Athens, Greece (1962). He is an attorney-at-law, practicing for more than 25 years electronic communications and competition law and policy.
From 2009-2013 he served as President of EETT, the independent regulatory and competition authority for the telco and postal sectors in Greece. In 2013 he served as Chair of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and as Vice Chair in 2012 and 2011. Under his Chairmanship, BEREC has provided high quality support and advice to all sector stakeholders (European Commission, Parliament and Council) on several high level legislative initiatives related to the European Digital Agenda.
Dr Kanellos has advised several international organizations, government bodies, private operators and expert teams on business and regulatory issues such as access, interconnection, electronic commerce, spectrum, consumer protection, privacy, copyright as well as broadband (fixed and wireless) network deployment.
He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1984) and holds a DEA in “Information Technology Law and Legal Information Technology” (1985) and a PhD in Law (1990), both from the University of Montpellier, France. His PhD dissertation in Information Technology Law was concerned with the legal aspects of audio-visual convergence.
Dr. Kanellos has served as a Legal Expert in numerous international and national committees, such as the Legal Advisory Board (LAB) of the EU Directorate-General for Information Society (current DG CNECT), the European Committee for Standardization - CEN (standards for Electronic Signatures), evaluation teams of several EU projects on Telecommunications, the European Commission’s Crash Programme” for the Development of the Hellenic Telecommunications (1992-1996) and the drafting Committee of the Founding Act of the EETT.
He has a teaching activity as Professor at the University of Piraeus and previously had a teaching activity at the University of the Aegean about the legal and business aspects of the electronic communications market. He has published extensively in both the international (mainly English and French) and Greek legal and academic press, authoring numerous monographs, articles, and contribution to books and studies related to the Information Society.
He speaks fluently English, French and German and has passive knowledge of Italian and Spanish.